Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Contemplating Color


Even though the Clipper does not yet have its silver coat, I've been wondering what color paint is in the cans stacked along the hangar wall. Maybe it was this rainbow outside my window last week that got me thinking about it.  More likely I was trying to remember what Nick had told me about the design and color he has chosen. Then again, maybe color was on my mind triggered by a flight in our 150 that George and I made to Dansville recently. So many colorful possibilities.

A runway model if there ever was one. Design by Dior?

Reds seemed to dominate.
Hey George, what do you think about that spiffy Cessna logo?!
This Cessna 150 seems bigger than ours. Is it an illusion created by the paint scheme?
This looks like a grass runway Armani model...

I thought the red plane above had cool striping until I spied this one.
So many possibilities.
Not too bold, not too busy, this one looks just right  to me.
Now I just have to wait to see what Nick has chosen.
Photos and text by Kathleen Jacques.

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys Jeff Anderson here from Lewisville North Carolina. Just want to say it looks as if you guys are doing a hell of job! As far as color goes I would like to throw a suggestion at you if I may. I own a 1950 Piper Pacer and the color on it seems to be an eye popper and everyone seems to enjoy it as much as I do.
    Its a Boston Maroon and Tucson Cream and I would love to send you guys a photo if you would care to see it. Just send me an email if you wish and I will be glad to send a photo.
    Carry on fellows.......and hang in there!


Thanks for your comment. We figured anyone who stumbled across our blog was a fellow vintage aircraft buff, so we hope you've enjoyed our tales of triumph along with the woe. I'll pass along any questions you may have for Nick and Tom; maybe, just maybe they'll figure out an answer! Keep flying! Regards,